Eye for an eye mags duval song
Eye for an eye mags duval song

eye for an eye mags duval song

When Camie calls his bluff, Macro admits that they couldn't defeat Hatchan under normal circumstances - however this time they got the help of the Flying Fish Riders. She questions how this could be, to which he boasts that they defeated him. She reaches out to him via Den Den Mushi, though she is answered by Macro of the Macro Pirates. Camie happily obliges to giving them some, though notes that this requires they meet up with Hatchan. This reminds Nami that the crew could actually use their help as well, but Luffy is more interested in takoyaki. Luffy questions if it really works that way, and the starfish quickly redirects the subject to thanking the Straw Hats for their help. Apparently by the time he realized he was a starfish, he had already become fluent in human language. Luffy interrupts to ask Pappag why he can talk, who explains that he's always thought that he was human. Pappag breaks into a song, which ends with him advertising Camie's t-shirt as a popular one of his own design. Camie introduces the starfish as Pappag, though she strangely refers to him as both her pet and her master. Amidst the antics, a talking starfish reminds Camie that she forgot something. Luffy follows this up by asking her if she poops, though Sanji immediately cuts her off when she begins to answer. She is quickly amused by Brook being able to open to his skull however, confusing him briefly.

eye for an eye mags duval song

The question infuriates Sanji to the point he kicks Brook, as Camie is aghast that a skeleton is talking to her. Brook reveals that this is his first time seeing a mermaid as well, and proceeds to ask Camie for money. Luffy expresses disgust at the thought, earning him a punch from Nami. While Nami reminds them of how rude they're being, Luffy is surprised to learn that she was a mermaid considering she could walk on land. Sanji's enthusiasm is immediately deflated, as he admits that even the horrors they experienced on Thriller Bark did not put as much fear in his heart. Sanji is overcome with joy at meeting his "first" mermaid, though Usopp is quick to remind him of Kokoro. Camie uses her ability to be able to speak with fish and navigates the ship towards Grove 44 of the Sabaody Archipelago until they are attacked by Flying Fish Riders. Camie receives a call through the Den Den Mushi and learns her friend Hachi has been kidnapped by pirate fish-man Macro. The Straw Hats introduce themselves to Camie and Pappag. Somewhere on the sea, a charred ruin is all that remains of a certain island.

Eye for an eye mags duval song